Thursday, May 21, 2015

Finding Out We Were Pregnant

Finding Out We Were Pregnant 

(Leave it to me to be holding the test upside down)

Ooookay so, the day we found out we were expecting. Mitch was way more rational/calm/excited than me at first. (Shout out to you babe, for being the supportive and calming voice I needed. You da bomb!) I was in my second semester of my senior year of college and already extremely stressed. It's a scary thing, finding out you're going to be responsible for another person's life! I am ecstatic now though, and cannot wait to meet our little one.

My parents were so amazingly supportive and happy for us. Mom and Dad, you guys are beyond wonderful and I am so thankful you have been so awesome from the very beginning of this journey. You have no idea how much that meant to me. I felt immediate relief after spilling the beans to them.  My mom is going to be called "Nana," which she chose approximately 5 minutes after me telling her I was pregnant. She also went out and bought baby gifts the day after she found out. Which included a "Thank Heaven for Little Boys" onesie..Hmmm…;) All of the excitement from my parents, family, and friends has truly helped me find so much joy in my pregnancy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My best friend Kait was the first person to know, of course. She is my partner in crime, therapist, girl crush, soulmate, and everything wonderful in the world. She has been another source of happiness and support that I am so thankful for. She is somehow always exactly what I need her to be. I'm telling you this girl is magical! I love you to the moon Katie-Kat <3

I am a HUGE researcher. I love it. I scour websites, blogs, youtube, reviews, and visit stores to check out products. I am in love with the blog Little Baby Garvin, this woman is my idol! If you are expecting I highly recommend checking out her "must-haves" posts.

14 Weeks!

Finally in the 2nd trimester! 

How far along: 14 weeks, 5 days
Gender prediction: Last night I had a dream it was a girl…but I'm thinking boy!
Names: Girl: Evelyn Rose, Boy: Oliver Michael
Have you started to show yet? Yep
Maternity clothes: Still loving maxi dresses
Stretch marks: Not yet
Sleep: Sleeping great!
Best moment this week: Getting the chalkboard painted in the nursery
Worst moment this week: Just typical new momma worries
Miss anything: Now that the weather is warming up, being tan :( 
Movement: Not yet
Cravings: GOLD STAR! I hated this stuff before being pregnant...  
Queasy or sick: Only occasionally when something random makes me nauseous 
Belly button in or out?: In 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and feeling the baby move :)

It takes A LOT of self control to not hit up Goldstar for a cheese hotdog with mustard on the daily 

Monday, May 11, 2015

13 weeks!

How far along: 13 weeks, 2 days
Gender prediction: BOY
Names: Girl: Evelyn Rose, Boy: Oliver Michael
Have you started to show yet? Yep. I have a tiny little baby bump
Maternity clothes: Haven't bought any yet. But I LIVE in maxi dresses!
Stretch marks: Not yet
Sleep: I usually have a little nausea in the evenings. I also get up to pee 2-3 times. But other than that I am sleeping great!
Best moment this month: Seeing the little babe in the sonogram picture above :')
Worst moment this month: Seeing how much weight I've gained :( (Going from vegetarian to "I want to eat everything pregnant lady" takes a toll on the numbers on the scale, let me tell ya..)
Miss anything: COFFEE. Having any energy at all whatsoever. Avocados (I can't even look at one without feeling queasy! I used to eat them every day. Ohhh pregnancy weirdness)
Movement: Can't feel any movement yet. I thought I did earlier today, but I think it was just normal swishing in my stomach haha 
Cravings: I always want pop, (but only drink one occasionally) cheese, fruit, salty foods, fries with ranch dressing, popsicles. Nothing too weird 
Queasy or sick: Only occasionally 
Belly button in or out?: I
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and feeling the baby move!  

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