How far along: 13 weeks, 2 days
Gender prediction: BOY
Names: Girl: Evelyn Rose, Boy: Oliver Michael
Have you started to show yet? Yep. I have a tiny little baby bump
Maternity clothes: Haven't bought any yet. But I LIVE in maxi dresses!
Stretch marks: Not yet
Sleep: I usually have a little nausea in the evenings. I also get up to pee 2-3 times. But other than that I am sleeping great!
Best moment this month: Seeing the little babe in the sonogram picture above :')
Worst moment this month: Seeing how much weight I've gained :( (Going from vegetarian to "I want to eat everything pregnant lady" takes a toll on the numbers on the scale, let me tell ya..)
Miss anything: COFFEE. Having any energy at all whatsoever. Avocados (I can't even look at one without feeling queasy! I used to eat them every day. Ohhh pregnancy weirdness)
Movement: Can't feel any movement yet. I thought I did earlier today, but I think it was just normal swishing in my stomach haha
Cravings: I always want pop, (but only drink one occasionally) cheese, fruit, salty foods, fries with ranch dressing, popsicles. Nothing too weird
Queasy or sick: Only occasionally
Belly button in or out?: In
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and feeling the baby move!
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