Saturday, October 17, 2015

Capturing the Last Weeks of Pregnancy

Where has the time gone?! I feel as if my pregnancy has absolutely flown by. In 4 short weeks we will be welcoming our little baby boy into the world. We'll be parents. Us, in charge of a tiny human! (WEIRD) 
Mitchell is ready for him to be here now, but as the due date draws nearer, I am getting more anxious/nervous about delivery.Things got real when my doctor started asking me who my two support coaches were, if I had a birth plan, were the hospital bags packed, etc… Ahhh wow, this is all coming up quickly! 

So, I decided it was also time to get some maternity pictures
 done before his arrival.

Thankfully, my mother is a very gifted photographer (not only for her talent, but her patience with me ;). I prefer relaxed, candid photography. And I love that she got random pictures of us laughing and joking with each other. I'm happy with the turn out, which is quite an accomplishment because at this point in my pregnancy, I seem to hate all pictures of myself. Also, if you are viewing these on a phone, they look really blurry! The quality is heaps better on a computer.

Here are just a few:

Huge thanks to my momma! I'll treasure these forever! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

31 Weeks!

How far along: 31 weeks (only 9 more to go!) 
Gender: Our precious baby boy 
Size: Over 3 pounds
Names: Oliver Michael 
Nicknames: Ollie
Have you started to show yet? Most definitely
Symptoms: MAJOR rib pain, back pain after being up for a bit, braxton hicks, sore hips from side sleeping, heartburn, and being out of breath from the simplest tasks (putting on socks, pants, shoes, etc…l o l) Oh and my feet are swollen most days, so shoes hurt. (shoes hurt..yeah I'm at that point)
Maternity clothes:Loving maternity tops and leggings, Charlotte Russe boyfriend jeans with help from the hair tie trick
Stretch marks: Not yet
Sleep: Is it a sick joke that other moms tell you "sleep now while you can!" ?? THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE WITH A BOWLING BAL IN MY STOMACH THAT KEEPS ROLLING INTO MY RIBS AND BLADDER AND LIKES TO THROW PARTIES FROM APPROXIMATELY 1-6 A.M.(I need a nap...)
Best moment this week: Mitchell's birthday is in October, BUT I had the opportunity to grant him his dream of playing with baby tiger cubs this past Sunday, so he got part of his gift early! It was AMAZING! (pic below)
Miss anything: Now that Fall is upon us, it breaks my heart that I am missing out on pumpkin spice lattes. Also, being able to bend down to pick things up comfortably…Mitch had to tie my shoe at the grocery store the other day hahaha!
Movement: We refer to Ollie as our wild one now. Plenty of rolls, kicks, and jabs. His very favorite place since I first started to be able to feel him has been my right side. And man, do I feel it in the ribs! 
Cravings: milk, donuts, muffins, pancakes, waffles, pastry goods in general, sea salt caramel ice-cream, citrus fruits, salad, smoothies
Queasy or sick: I'll randomly feel a little nauseous, no idea why!
Belly button in or out?: In limbo
Looking forward to: Celebrating Ollie with my family this weekend! :)
Also, the nursery is ALMOST completely finished. I just want it to be perfect before I show it off! Thanks to Nana and Papa we got the curtains and bookshelves set up last week :)

A Sunday spent cuddling tiger cubs is a Sunday well-spent! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

24 WEEKS! And My First Q&A!

How far along: 24 WEEKS! 
Apparently this is a huge milestone in pregnancy. 
We are so thankful that I have been blessed with such great health so far! 
Gender: Baby boy
Size: 1 and 1/3 pounds, and almost a foot long!
Names: Oliver Michael 
Nicknames: Ollie
Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah 
Symptoms: Major back pain!   
Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts. Going to have to give in and pick up some actual maternity tops and leggings here soon...
Stretch marks:Not yet
Sleep: Adjusting to side-sleeping
Best moment this week: Ollie's future BFF Kinslee being born! 
She is so perfect and precious. 

Worst moment this week: Nothing sticks out
Miss anything: COFFEE
Movement: All the time! He feels so strong now. Mitch had his head on my stomach and Ollie kicked him in the side of the face 
Cravings: For the first time I am craving some healthy food! I constantly want salmon, crab legs, salad, avocado, mushrooms (weird?) and fruit
Queasy or sick: Not a bit
Belly button in or out?: Struggling to stay an innie
Looking forward to: Celebrating Ollie at our baby shower with Mitch's family next month!


How many aunts and uncles does Ollie have?
(I keep referring to my 3 best friends as his aunts so I understand why this is confusing haha) but he has 2 aunts and 3 uncles. 

Why did you choose his name?
I have a separate post on this coming soon ;)

Where are you registered?
Target, Babies R Us, and BuyBuy Baby. You get a free gift basket for registering at each of these places AND a completion discount a few weeks before your due date!

Are you going to post pictures of the nursery?
YES! We just have to get the changing table, one more shelf, hang the art work and it will be finished! But we also have a lot of other things going on (Kitchen remodel, office remodel, binge watching Netflix and enjoying some pizza hut…) As soon as it is finished I will be sharing it. :)

Are you going to post pictures of your labor/delivery/the baby?
Not sure about labor/delivery haha but there will definitely be some of Oliver

What diaper bag did you get?
The Skip Hop Limited Edition French Stripe. But apparently you should have more than one so I'm considering the Skip Hop Black Stripe Grand Central Take All bag, but I'm not 100% sure yet. Any recommendations would be appreciated!

Why do you only have specific brands on your registry?
I think everyone has brands they favor ;) I just researched A LOT and went from there 

Thanks for the questions! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Celebrating Ollie with the Girls! (First Baby Shower)

This past Sunday my sweet friends all got together to celebrate the little one at my first shower! Ollie's fairy godmother (Aunt Kait) planned the most AMAZING baby shower in existence. It truly could not have been any more perfect. Ollie's Aunt Hannah had the party at her new (HGTV worthy) house,and Aunt Kayla also helped with the party planning. These three ladies are such blessings in my life, and I can't begin to explain how thankful I am that they exist. It was a travel-themed shower, of course. (I can't wait to go back to Europe with Ollie next time!) And as they say, a picture's worth a thousand words so without further adieu…

Check out those hot air balloons! 

"Notes to Oliver" How sweet!?

Wooooahhhhh bump!

Aunt Layla, Aunt Kait, and Aunt Hannah :)

Kait, thank you, thank you, thank you for planning the shower of my dreams. I love you to the moon! You are already the most amazing fairy godmother to Ollie. Hannah, thank you for allowing us to party in your absolutely perfect new house and making the shower possible. Kayla, thank you for also helping plan the shower and providing the yummiest mastaccioli ever made! Marissa, Stace, Hannah (#2), Brittanee, Erin, Britta, Mary, and Asya, thank you so very much for spending your Sunday celebrating Ollie. And Kelsea, we missed you at the shower but Ollie absolutely loves his new bottles, pacifiers, Jacques the Peacock, and Babyganics bath stuff! 

From the absolutely hilarious games, to the time we spent just chatting, I had the best baby shower EVER. I love and appreciate you all so so sooooo much. Oliver is lucky to already have so many beautiful (inside and out) ladies that love him!
Thank you for the perfect Sunday :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

21 Weeks and Nursery Plans!

How far along: 21 weeks! 
Gender: BOY :)
Size: About 10 1/2 inches long and almost a pound
Names: Oliver Michael 
Nicknames: Ollie
Have you started to show yet? Yep, though it looks a heck of a lot bigger in this picture for some reason! 
Symptoms: Back pain, cravings, mood swings 
Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts, comfy dresses, leggings.
 Holding onto my pre-pregnancy clothes for as long as possible haha
Stretch marks: Not yet. But hey there linea nigra… -__-
Sleep: Still not sleeping so well
Best moment this week: Getting his NEW nursery together! 
Worst moment this week: Same annoying back pain 
Miss anything: COFFEE
Movement: Definitely. When Mitch comes home and we start talking, Ollie moves like crazy! 
He is also very still when we are reading his FAVORITE book (Harry Potter) to him ;) 
but as soon as we stop, he starts kicking. So proud that he has excellent literary taste.
Cravings: Lemon flavored anything, donuts, PB Cap'n Crunch
Queasy or sick: Nada
Belly button in or out?: Still in…but looking like it might just pop in the next couple weeks.
Looking forward to: OLLIE'S FIRST CHRISTMAS!!!!! I am such a holiday fanatic. Like on the level of playing Mariah Carey's holiday music station on pandora, while drinking hot chocolate and browsing pinterest for everything Christmas related…in July.

Nursery Plans!

The room has dark floors, a thick white trim, and white walls. Mitchell's mom gifted us the crib and dresser (thanks Nana!) and his sister surprised us with the rocking chair (thanks Aunt Jill!) Since we have a pretty blank canvas to work with, we can really get creative with the décor and accents. Face out bookshelves are in the works, which will add color to the room.

Daddy working on the new nursery! 

Delta Children Bentley 4-in-1 Crib- Target
Storkcraft Kenton Dresser-Target
Status Roma Glider and Nursing Ottoman-Target
Crane Drop Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier- BuyBuy Baby/ Target
Colorful rug-
Burt's Bees ABC's Organic Cotton Sheet- Target
Infantino Turtle Toy and Stacking Rings- Target

Friday, July 3, 2015

Pregnancy Favorites

Although I'm only a little over halfway through my pregnancy, I wanted to share some of my "must-haves" and things that have helped me through morning all-day sickness, to understanding what's going on with my body. 

What to Expect When You're Expecting - Mitchell's sister sent me this book when we first found out I was pregnant. It was the first baby-related gift I received, and it made me cry! (Oh hormones..) It covers EVERYTHING. Like literally everything you might be wondering about if you are pregnant. It details each month/week, and additionally provides information on complications, food and diet, body changes, the list goes on and on. I keep it on my bedside table, and it has about a million little post-its in it where I've marked important pages. 

Palmer's Tummy Butter- I know, I know apparently stretch marks aren't preventable. However, I figure it can't hurt to at least try. I tested about 20 different moisturizers, and this one was the BEST by far. It has the consistency of coconut oil when its in the jar (solid). But as you warm in it in your hands it melts. It is extremely hydrating, and doesn't smell gross like the other coco butter lotions. I actually love the smell. The only "downside" is that you have to give it about 10 minutes to dry. I've read that you should really focus your stretch mark prevention products on your tummy, chest, thighs, hips, and lower back. So that is what I do. I'll probably continue to use this even after Ollie is here just because I love it so much. 

First Time Mommy FB Group- Mitchell's Aunt invited me to this FB group and I am OBSESSED. First time mommas post questions, funny memes, and pictures. And everyone else is able to comment and share as well. Some questions that I've seen and found exceptionally helpful are: "What bottles did you use and why?" "Which bath products, diapers, and wipes have worked well for sensitive skin?" "Do sweet potatoes actually make your baby turn orange?" (And guess what? That last one was TRUE! Ahh! Haha imagine me feeding Ollie a good amount of sweet potatoes/ carrots and him looking like an oompa loompa!) This group is awesome because you get the true opinions from MOMS! The people who actually have tried the products/ been there, done that/ aren't annoyed with you for having a million questions! I especially enjoy that many share pictures of their babes and maternity shoots. (If you need to be invited to join the group, message me and I'll send you one)

Jolly Ranchers, Mints, Salty Foods, Fruit-Infused Water, Sprite- They call it morning sickness, but let me tell ya, that is a lie. I was nauseated ALL DAY. I was miserable. In order to keep up with my internship and school I kept all of the things listed with me at all times. Sometimes I needed hard candy to ease it. Other times mints. And sometimes I just needed salty pretzels or chips to do the trick. I have always been an avid water drinker. But when I had those days of sickness, I did not want it at all. The thought of plain water sounded disgusting to me. But, water infused with lemon, lime, and strawberry was great. I also would sip a Sprite if I needed it. Anything carbonated helped a lot. Pregnancy sickness is no joke, and you will have to find out what snacks/tricks work for you!

A Body Pillow/ Heaps of Pillows- Eventually, you will not be able to sleep on your stomach. For me, that was a big change from my normal sleep routine. Oh, and you also aren't  supposed to sleep on your back because it can reduce blood flow to the baby. Your hips, shoulders, and back are going to ache from sleeping on your side. If you create a pillow nest to sleep in, it helps a lot! They also make special pillows for pregnant women that look like a giant U. I may need to get one of those when I get bigger!

A Nursing Bra- My Aunt recommended that I purchase one of these prior to baby. Best. Idea. EVER. Your normal bras just aren't going to cut it. If you're pregnant, you understand. 

Maternity Bottoms- As I am currently pregnant in the summer, I bought a pair of denim maternity shorts. (new favorite shorts) This makes it so much easier to create outfits that are cute and comfortable. Shirts are pretty easy to transfer into pregnancy, but bottoms are a different story. I'm due in the fall so I'm planning on picking up some maternity jeans and leggings as well. I got mine on sale from Kohls, but Target and H&M have AWESOME maternity sections as well. 

My Pregnancy Today App/ Any Pregnancy App- Getting that little notification about what fruit your baby is the size of every week is so nice. It's a cute little reminder, as well as informational. It also has tips and allows you to take a "bump date" picture each week. 

Prenatal Vitamins- I have a prescription vitamin from my doctor. The iron content differs, and for some women a high amount of it can make them sick. Let your doctor know if it isn't working for you. I'm sure you're already well aware of how important a prenatal vitamin is for your little baby, but I had to add it to the list. During the times when I couldn't get the best nutrition due to not being able to stomach fruits and veggies, these ensured that he was still getting everything he needed. 

And last but not least….

A Journal/ Blog to Document the Beginning of the Most Important Part of Your Life- This is why I have this blog. I didn't expect other people to enjoy reading it! (Though I am  so glad you guys do :) I wanted to remember my cravings, the first week I felt him kick, the things that were going on during my pregnancy. I always ask my mom questions about when she was pregnant with me, and having a keepsake of the time makes it easier to remember. And many of you e-mail me questions, so I love to help when I can! 

That's all I have! I'll probably make a new post after Ollie is here, since I'm only halfway through right now! What are some of your pregnancy favorites/must haves? 

Monday, June 29, 2015

20 Weeks!

He is going to be Mitchell's twin...

How far along: 20 weeks! HALFWAY THERE!
Gender: BOY :)
Size: Roughly the size of a banana. And he weighed in at 14 ounces today!
Names: Oliver Michael 
Nicknames: Ollie
Have you started to show yet? Yep
Symptoms: Back pain 
Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts!
Stretch marks: Not yet. I'm loving palmers tummy butter
Sleep: Haven't been sleeping so well this week
Best moment this week: Mitch feeling his little kicks!
Worst moment this week: Major back pain after being up for awhile
Miss anything: Being able to wear whatever I pulled out of my closet :(
Movement: Yep! He loves to kick and move around, especially in the evenings. Feeling him is the absolute coolest thing ever! 
Cravings: Orange juice and… BACON! Ugh I hated it before!
Queasy or sick: Only occasionally when something random makes me nauseous 
Belly button in or out?: In, but it looks like it might pop out
Looking forward to: Being able to feel him more often! And my first baby shower in July! 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Letter to My Son on Father's Day

Dear Ollie, 

Since you're growing inside my belly right now, I feel like we're already pretty well acquainted. (You know I like indie rock and singing in the shower, I know you like french fries and my shower concerts) But I want to tell you about another very special person who will be taking care of you when you arrive:

your daddy. 

As far as dads go, yours is pretty awesome. I met him 9 years ago, and even though we've had some rough patches, we always find our way back to each other. First loves are like that I think. 

He has been so excited about you since the day we found out we were going to have you. (Even though mommy was extremely worried/scared/borderline hysterical…) 

He was the first one to place his hand on my tummy and tell you he loved you. 

He has not missed one single doctors appointment. 

And I had to yell at him for trying to steal the doctors heart rate monitor so he could hear your little heart whenever he wanted. 

He reeeaaaallllly wanted to name you Liam...but he now calls you Ollie. (Because he loves mommy very very much and knows it makes her happy) 

He tracks your weekly progress and let's me know what you're up to. (And even though I already know because I do the same thing, I listen anyways) 

He has already thought about how he's going keep tabs on you in your teenage years. And sorry kid, but I don't foresee you getting away with much. 

He gets up in the middle of the night to get mommy food, snacks, my phone charger...absolutely anything I need. And he never complains. 

He doesn't feel like everyone is excited enough about you because you only take up 95% of family conversations and he thinks it should be 100%...(trust me, your grandparents, aunts, and uncles are over the moon about you already) 

He yells at me for poking my tummy because he thinks you don't like it. (Little does he know, you're actually super bored in there and think my pokes are fun)

He's always worried…("Are you sure you can be at the pool? Is the sun going to cook him?")

He has never once told me I am gaining too much weight (even though I probably am) and reassures me that I am providing a healthy body for you to grow in. 

He works all day long, takes care of mommy, is currently in school, is a U.S. Marine, and is completing a long list of house renovations #superdad 

He always kisses you goodbye before he leaves and tells you he loves you. Which you should actually be able to hear now!

Instead of saying he hopes you'll be one thing or another, he says: "I can't wait to see what he's like. I can't wait to see what his interests are." He is already such an accepting and supportive father. 

Every choice he makes revolves around you. Your safety, happiness, and health are his #1 priority. You are already his whole world. And seeing him be this wonderful of a father before you're even here has made me fall even more in love with him. 

Thank you for being my person, Mitchell. Happy Fathers Day. Ollie and I love you to the moon.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

18 Weeks!

How far along: 18 weeks
Gender: BOY :)
Names: Oliver Michael (Mitch came around ;) )
Nicknames: Ollie, Olli-baba (Aunt Kait)
Have you started to show yet? Yep
Maternity clothes: Bought my first maternity shorts today! SO comfy
Stretch marks: Not yet
Sleep: A little back, shoulder, and hip pain from sleeping on my side 
Best moment this week: Meeting up with my best friends to watch Ollie's ultrasound DVD and just talk about all things baby related :) Love you to the moon Kait, Kayla, and Hannah Banana <3
Worst moment this week: Dealing with our dog…Anyone want an English Mastiff..anyone...
Miss anything: Being able to button/tie/zip things. Belly has officially popped 
Movement: Small little "rolls"! It doesn't ever feel like a kick or hit, but definitely baby movement!  
Cravings: Fruity/ sour candy, Wendy's crispy chicken sandwich and fries, smoothies
Queasy or sick: Only occasionally when something random makes me nauseous 
Belly button in or out?: In
Looking forward to: Mitch being able to feel Ollie from the outside, and my first baby shower coming up here soon! :D

Should I start doing "bumpdate" pictures? Everyone is always asking to see my belly! 
Maybe next week :)

Baby buys! I just opened a rewards membership at Children's Place and I am OBSESSED! Since Ollie is due in November, I'm finding lots of great fall clothes on sale.  
Converse hat and sock set: BuyBuyBaby
Baby Converse: Journey's
Oxford onesie, button down shirt, and jacket: Children's Place

 Nursery decor! Made with love by Ollie's talented and amazing Aunt Kait! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Baby is a...


This past Sunday Mitch's mom took us to Becoming Mom to find out the gender! (I already KNEW it was a boy ;) )We got to have both of our families there, which made it even more exciting! It was such an amazing experience, I highly recommend their services. We got to watch the baby move around for about 10 minutes, AND got a DVD of the session! Mitchell also got me a little stuffed bear with a recording of the baby's heartbeat inside it. (Ahhh tears)

After we left Becoming Mom,we of course had to hit up Buy Buy Baby and Target for some celebratory shopping. I am thinking bright yellow, blue, green, and orange will be the main colors in the nursery. 
Speaking of the nursery, we are almost completely finished with it! #ExcitedParents Thanks to our wonderful family we already have the crib, dresser, rocking chair, basket of books, and the chalkboard painted on the wall. It is now my favorite room in the house. Mitch really couldn't have done a better job creating my dream nursery for our little one. Pictures will be coming soon! 

How far along: 17 weeks
Gender: BOY BOY BOY!! I knew it! :) We are overjoyed and SO EXCITED!!!!!! 
Names: I have loved  "Oliver" for about 4 years now, but Mitch recently discovered "Liam" and is clinging to it…
Have you started to show yet? Yep
Maternity clothes: Still loving maxi dresses, leggings, and Charlotte Russe boyfriend jeans/shorts
Stretch marks: Not yet
Sleep: Sleeping great!
Best moment this week: Finding out we are having a little boy!!! I was really hoping for a boy! (but felt absolutely awful for it, just in case it was a girl haha)
Worst moment this week: Not fitting into my favorite summer clothes from last year :(
Miss anything: Being able to wear whatever I want
Movement: Not yet
Cravings: Fruit, pretzels, cheese, anything salty, apple juice 
Queasy or sick: Only occasionally when something random makes me nauseous 
Belly button in or out?: In 
Looking forward to: Feeling the baby move! 

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