Although I'm only a little over halfway through my pregnancy, I wanted to share some of my "must-haves" and things that have helped me through morning all-day sickness, to understanding what's going on with my body.
What to Expect When You're Expecting - Mitchell's sister sent me this book when we first found out I was pregnant. It was the first baby-related gift I received, and it made me cry! (Oh hormones..) It covers EVERYTHING. Like literally everything you might be wondering about if you are pregnant. It details each month/week, and additionally provides information on complications, food and diet, body changes, the list goes on and on. I keep it on my bedside table, and it has about a million little post-its in it where I've marked important pages.
Palmer's Tummy Butter- I know, I know apparently stretch marks aren't preventable. However, I figure it can't hurt to at least try. I tested about 20 different moisturizers, and this one was the BEST by far. It has the consistency of coconut oil when its in the jar (solid). But as you warm in it in your hands it melts. It is extremely hydrating, and doesn't smell gross like the other coco butter lotions. I actually love the smell. The only "downside" is that you have to give it about 10 minutes to dry. I've read that you should really focus your stretch mark prevention products on your tummy, chest, thighs, hips, and lower back. So that is what I do. I'll probably continue to use this even after Ollie is here just because I love it so much.
First Time Mommy FB Group- Mitchell's Aunt invited me to this FB group and I am OBSESSED. First time mommas post questions, funny memes, and pictures. And everyone else is able to comment and share as well. Some questions that I've seen and found exceptionally helpful are: "What bottles did you use and why?" "Which bath products, diapers, and wipes have worked well for sensitive skin?" "Do sweet potatoes actually make your baby turn orange?" (And guess what? That last one was TRUE! Ahh! Haha imagine me feeding Ollie a good amount of sweet potatoes/ carrots and him looking like an oompa loompa!) This group is awesome because you get the true opinions from MOMS! The people who actually have tried the products/ been there, done that/ aren't annoyed with you for having a million questions! I especially enjoy that many share pictures of their babes and maternity shoots. (If you need to be invited to join the group, message me and I'll send you one)
Jolly Ranchers, Mints, Salty Foods, Fruit-Infused Water, Sprite- They call it morning sickness, but let me tell ya, that is a lie. I was nauseated ALL DAY. I was miserable. In order to keep up with my internship and school I kept all of the things listed with me at all times. Sometimes I needed hard candy to ease it. Other times mints. And sometimes I just needed salty pretzels or chips to do the trick. I have always been an avid water drinker. But when I had those days of sickness, I did not want it at all. The thought of plain water sounded disgusting to me. But, water infused with lemon, lime, and strawberry was great. I also would sip a Sprite if I needed it. Anything carbonated helped a lot. Pregnancy sickness is no joke, and you will have to find out what snacks/tricks work for you!
A Body Pillow/ Heaps of Pillows- Eventually, you will not be able to sleep on your stomach. For me, that was a big change from my normal sleep routine. Oh, and you also aren't supposed to sleep on your back because it can reduce blood flow to the baby. Your hips, shoulders, and back are going to ache from sleeping on your side. If you create a pillow nest to sleep in, it helps a lot! They also make special pillows for pregnant women that look like a giant U. I may need to get one of those when I get bigger!
A Nursing Bra- My Aunt recommended that I purchase one of these prior to baby. Best. Idea. EVER. Your normal bras just aren't going to cut it. If you're pregnant, you understand.
Maternity Bottoms- As I am currently pregnant in the summer, I bought a pair of denim maternity shorts. (new favorite shorts) This makes it so much easier to create outfits that are cute and comfortable. Shirts are pretty easy to transfer into pregnancy, but bottoms are a different story. I'm due in the fall so I'm planning on picking up some maternity jeans and leggings as well. I got mine on sale from Kohls, but Target and H&M have AWESOME maternity sections as well.
My Pregnancy Today App/ Any Pregnancy App- Getting that little notification about what fruit your baby is the size of every week is so nice. It's a cute little reminder, as well as informational. It also has tips and allows you to take a "bump date" picture each week.
Prenatal Vitamins- I have a prescription vitamin from my doctor. The iron content differs, and for some women a high amount of it can make them sick. Let your doctor know if it isn't working for you. I'm sure you're already well aware of how important a prenatal vitamin is for your little baby, but I had to add it to the list. During the times when I couldn't get the best nutrition due to not being able to stomach fruits and veggies, these ensured that he was still getting everything he needed.
And last but not least….
A Journal/ Blog to Document the Beginning of the Most Important Part of Your Life- This is why I have this blog. I didn't expect other people to enjoy reading it! (Though I am so glad you guys do :) I wanted to remember my cravings, the first week I felt him kick, the things that were going on during my pregnancy. I always ask my mom questions about when she was pregnant with me, and having a keepsake of the time makes it easier to remember. And many of you e-mail me questions, so I love to help when I can!
That's all I have! I'll probably make a new post after Ollie is here, since I'm only halfway through right now! What are some of your pregnancy favorites/must haves?
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