Tuesday, August 25, 2015

24 WEEKS! And My First Q&A!

How far along: 24 WEEKS! 
Apparently this is a huge milestone in pregnancy. 
We are so thankful that I have been blessed with such great health so far! 
Gender: Baby boy
Size: 1 and 1/3 pounds, and almost a foot long!
Names: Oliver Michael 
Nicknames: Ollie
Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah 
Symptoms: Major back pain!   
Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts. Going to have to give in and pick up some actual maternity tops and leggings here soon...
Stretch marks:Not yet
Sleep: Adjusting to side-sleeping
Best moment this week: Ollie's future BFF Kinslee being born! 
She is so perfect and precious. 

Worst moment this week: Nothing sticks out
Miss anything: COFFEE
Movement: All the time! He feels so strong now. Mitch had his head on my stomach and Ollie kicked him in the side of the face 
Cravings: For the first time I am craving some healthy food! I constantly want salmon, crab legs, salad, avocado, mushrooms (weird?) and fruit
Queasy or sick: Not a bit
Belly button in or out?: Struggling to stay an innie
Looking forward to: Celebrating Ollie at our baby shower with Mitch's family next month!


How many aunts and uncles does Ollie have?
(I keep referring to my 3 best friends as his aunts so I understand why this is confusing haha) but he has 2 aunts and 3 uncles. 

Why did you choose his name?
I have a separate post on this coming soon ;)

Where are you registered?
Target, Babies R Us, and BuyBuy Baby. You get a free gift basket for registering at each of these places AND a completion discount a few weeks before your due date!

Are you going to post pictures of the nursery?
YES! We just have to get the changing table, one more shelf, hang the art work and it will be finished! But we also have a lot of other things going on (Kitchen remodel, office remodel, binge watching Netflix and enjoying some pizza hut…) As soon as it is finished I will be sharing it. :)

Are you going to post pictures of your labor/delivery/the baby?
Not sure about labor/delivery haha but there will definitely be some of Oliver

What diaper bag did you get?
The Skip Hop Limited Edition French Stripe. But apparently you should have more than one so I'm considering the Skip Hop Black Stripe Grand Central Take All bag, but I'm not 100% sure yet. Any recommendations would be appreciated!

Why do you only have specific brands on your registry?
I think everyone has brands they favor ;) I just researched A LOT and went from there 

Thanks for the questions! 

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